Wellness by number: How mobile phones save lives
Posted date: : March 3, 2013
mHealth refers to public health practices backed by smartphone technologies like cell phones, tablets, devices for checking on patients, PDA’s, cordless devices just to name a few. Users of mHealth include providers, patients, public health advocates, and health administers among others. mHealth can be used in order to improve health systems and health services.
mHealth offers a lot of opportunities to bring revolution in healthcare systems, especially in developing states. In these countries, public health care information and health services are limited due to the shortage of trained personnel, facilities and supplies. mHealth can make the delivery of health services more efficient by providing access to digital health records and making it possible to monitor patients remotely. In addition, mHealth makes it easier to access health care information and services in distant areas.
The crux of the matter is that mHealth with the help of mobile phone can really help to save people with health problems.